Customer Testimonials

Thanks to our professionality and experience, our team received recognition not only from separate natural persons, foreigners and companies — representatives of small business. Our clients are foreign natural persons, companies with foreign assets and companies of real-sector economy.
Our primary clients are legal persons — foreign-trade subjects whom we provide support in all export-import operations, as well as representatives of steel and metals industry, real-estate, construction, and other operations on real-estate market, retail business, trade, IT, recreation and tourism.
We have experience in serving natural persons of Ukrainian and foreign jurisdiction — in particular, represent interests and defend citizens in criminal procedures, civil, administrative and commercial cases, administrative offence cases, counsel, orally and in written, on any legal issues, perform representation in courts of all instances, provide legal assistance in settling traffic accident cases, elaborate draft contracts, perform legal claims, provide debt enforcement, losses reimbursement and the like.